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Invite Friends to Join - Limited Time Offer!

Please kindly share Pickybuy with your friends, to let them experience our one-stop service to shop Chinese products at Chinese prices.

Please feel free to share our sign-up link to your friends and invite them to sign up. Once they completed his/her first order, you will get $5 freight coupon!


PickyPartner Program

If you would like to run your own e-shop and share some good products to your friends, family and/or or your fans, we highly recommend you to join our PickyPartner Program. This is an joint venture program which we invite you to earn money with us together. You will get your exclusive link for each product which our website could offer and get commissions from who bought products through your link.

Let’s build up a better shopping universe together! Simply sign the PickyPartner Program agreement with us from PickyPartner Program page to get started!


Steps: Log-in —> Find PickyPartner Program page.

Or click here

Rapid Order Processing

Orders are reviewed and processed for purchasing within 12 hours, 24/7.

Express Parcel Handling

International parcels are dispatched for shipping within 24 hours after submission.

7*12 Customer Service

Our 7*12 customer service team is here to accompany you throughout your shopping experience, ready to resolve any issues at any time.

Professional Parcel Planning

Expert parcel planning to maximize the use of your package space, saving every penny possible.